Friday, August 30, 2024

8 August 2024 - Cookies!

 Cookies - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Topics of the Day

  • News & Comment
    • SpaceX & Starliner
    • Are you a Pirate?
    • My New Desk chair
  • Topics of the Day
    • What’s a QR code?
    • Phone Battery Replacements
      • Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't!
      • Wife now has a new Pixel 7
      • Lessons: backup, backup, backup!
    • The Pornhub Challenge – Are you 18?
      • How do you verify age without ID?
      • Now blocked in some states
    • Cookies – The Good, Bad & Ugly
      • The good: 1st party login cookies
      • The Bad: 3rd party tracking and advertizing
      • The "Ugly": everything else
      • How does Apple Safari do it?
    • Google is a Monopoly per US Judge
      • Because they paid Apple $46B for Safari's default browser search engine
    • Incognito / Private Browsing & Cookies

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