This is a easy to understand article on Heartbleed. 

Found on the web.  From Microsoft:
“Our industry leading training just got even better. Our Microsoft Office training manuals are available for you to download completely free of charge. These files are in PDF format for you to save, print and email to friends and co-workers.”
Includes books for Office 2003, 2007 and 2010; Excel, Access, Project, PowerPoint, Outlook, Word, and Vision with 2 or 3 levels (Intro, Intermediate, Advanced) for each.

If that’s not ‘admin’ enough for you (you know who you are J), try:
containing deployment guides & books on: Microsoft SharePoint, SQL Server, System Center, Visual Studio, Web Development, Windows (Admin & Development), Windows Server and Windows Azure.
And yet more:
Most books in PDF, Mobi (f/Kindles), and ePub (f/other e-readers).


Below is the presentation on Genealogy.  Missing is the 129 slide PowerPoint showing a way to share your work.  There have been a few corrections since the presentation.

1 comment:

  1. Bob Rankin is a tech columnist who offers helpful information several times a week. Visit his archives at and get acquainted.
