Sunday, September 9, 2018

Priuses, PowerPoint & Videos

First, a link to the cute short video played before the presentation, "Feast":
And for the late comers, the Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom fireworks show, "Happily Ever After" in 4K video:

Today's Topics:
  • Tech News: Russian web sites caught impersonating US political web sites, Amazon hit $1T valuation, Sony doesn't want Fortnight Game players on any other platform, Verizon caught throttling first responder's data, Trump says Google Search is rigged against him, and Google doesn't show up for Congressional hearings.
  • 2018 Prius Prime: Previously, attendees seemed to enjoy my review of the wife's 2013 Prius that had a bunch of things I had not seen before in a car.  The same thing is true about my new car.
  • PowerPoint: Transitions & Animations to Videos:  We’ve been helping out a member create a video for his 60th high school reunion using PowerPoint.  We’ll show you how it’s done.
  • Videos to DVDs:  PowerPoint 2016 can output a video, but that doesn’t mean you will be able to play output in a computer or how to make it into a DVD.  We’ll show to how that’s done.
(Yes I know I didn't get to that last point, but all the sides for it is included below.)

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