Saturday, June 27, 2015

That's a Good Question!

"Slightly" more complicated answers.  <grin>  (I think we should eliminate the terms "Beginner" and "Advanced" answers - I'm going to call them 'simple' and 'good.'  No need to remind people of their level of learning!)  Today's topics were:
  • Are your files really erased?
  • Is it a Phish or not?
  • Challenge: What is a Digital Signature?
  • What are the New Microsoft Terms of Service?
The first question about erasing files included a surprise: I submitted a question to the "My Hard Drive Died" podcast and it was answered 'on air' by data recovery expert Scott Moulton.  Here's a link to that podcast:  <link>  The actual podcast is almost an hour and a half long - skip to the 36 minute mark to hear how Scott tackles my question about how much can be recovered from a HD after a single pass of zeros is written on it.

For the third question, a member challenged me explain exactly what a Digital Signature was - I think I nailed it!  The short answer is, "a digital signature is a hash of the document being signed encrypted with the signer's private key."  Of course that requires me to also explain what a hash and private key is.  And that requires one to understand .... etc. etc. etc.  <grin>

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