"Removing Crapware"
This is the same file that was distributed in the Spring, so if you got it then, you don't need it now.
For those that missed the brochure hand-out here's a link to a *MS Word* file that can be downloaded and printed. It is formatted for 3 double-sided pages and folding into a 12-page brochure. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=86B915ACE9C0D278!6024&authkey=!ANs3BPGEvVTuEbw&ithint=file%2cdocx
If you don't have Word, use this link (an 8 full-size page PDF) instead: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=86B915ACE9C0D278!5953&authkey=!APkyZKmevifHBpA&ithint=file%2cpdf
Today's Topics:
BASE jumping Fatalities (nothing to do with computers, but YouTube is driving more people to wilder and wilder stunts)
Don't call yourself stupid
The American Eclipse of 2017
Read the Prompts! (and don't get Crapware)
MS Outlook & adding new accounts
I Forgot My Password!
Recent Security News: Bad USB, Home Depot, Nudes, MS Warning
AT&T ad from 1993: "You Will." Almost all have come to be!
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