Friday, May 10, 2024

9 May 2024 - Bob's Bytes #321

 "$ & All over the Place!"

A more random than usual day.  Here are notes and links for the Topics of the Day:

  • The Commercial Crew Program (CCP) which put Boeing and SpaceX in competition to take crew to and from the International Space Station.  <link>  SpaceX has made 13 manned flights so far; Boeing, none.  Their next try: May 17, 2024
  • The Cuckoo's Egg was a great book and also a PBS Special.  See it <here>.
  • The ransomware hack of Change Healthcare, a division of UnitedHealth was significant, effecting a third of all US citizens.  But apparently no honor among thieves as AlphV, a ransomware as a service ground, stole the $22M ransom from 'RansomHub' one of their affiliates.  So pay up again!  <link>  And UnitedHealth is saying it will cost them $1.6B (with a B) to recover.  <link>  Guess who pays that bill!
  • "Brassed Off" is a great movie on the problems the British faced closing their coal mines.  But the Grimethorpe band played on.  Danny: “For 100 years this band has been going.  Through 2 World Wars, 3 disasters, 7 strikes, one bloody big depression and this band has played on every flaming time.” To hear and watch their struggles, click <here>.
  • AT&T Data Breach, a "rolling disclosure" since 2019.  <link> Which led me to:
  • For instructions and links to freeze your credit records, type this into your browser address line ...  (Did you think I'd just give you a link?  No!  This is important enough to make you do it yourself!!  ok, if you insist ...
  • If tracking cookies worry you, use the Firefox browser <link>.  And uBlock Origin is a great extension for it.  <link>
  • The Ask Woody free newsletter is well worth it.  <link>  To get the paid version which is even better, they accept any donation!
  • Don't use Microsoft's Outlook (new).  It's half-baked and doesn't even do what the 20-year old Outlook Express used to do.
  • China bans Western encrypted messaging apps <link

My presentation for review or download:

18 April 2024 - What is A.I. Anyway?

 From Carl Stewart, a frequent presenter to the Senior Surfers and a good friend of the technology club.