Thursday, January 28, 2021

Bob's Bytes - 28 January 2021

Wow.  So much news and things to talk about that I was not able to get to the 'Main Topic' for today's presentation.  No matter - we'll get to that next week.

In the meanwhile ... "This is War"

Observation – unlike the pseudo-wars on drugs or poverty, this meets all the requirements of a real war.  Like the old parable of how to boil a frog, we got into this war slowly and did not recognize it as such.  But now the water is boiling and there can be no doubt, this is a war.  My feelings may be swayed by the fact that for 30 years I was in the business of war, but all the elements of war are now present.

We have a clear enemy - the virus.  All it wants to do is to replicate and reproduce.  But, that has the side effect of killing us.  And it must be stopped if not defeated completely.

This is a full-out world-wide war, every country is involved.  Some countries are more involved that other, but all have been affected.  The US has been the most effected country by far, suffering 25% of the casualties and deaths, and we are now fully engaged in combat.

We have front line troops, and they are fighting the battle 24/7.  Those front-line troops have suffered causalities, though most casualties have been to our civilian population.  We have called up the reserves and as in a war, no expenses are being spared to defeat the enemy.  Our weapons are not bullets and bombs, but science - biology and chemistry.

When we were first attacked, we did not know how to fight this thing and our casualties were high.  Since then, we have developed defenses and are deploying them as fast as possible.  The enemy is responding with more infectious and lethal variants.  We humans will win this battle, there is no doubt of that - But ...

Till then we will be still incurring many casualties, and more people are dying.  Some, though not dying, will have injuries for life.  Like all wars, the effects will be lasting.

So … until this war is over, what can you do?  Of course, support our front-line troops, they are the ones that are in close combat with the enemy every day.  They are the ones that tend the casualties, and bury the dead.

Do not give ‘aid and comfort’ to the enemy – wear a good mask, avoid close contact with others, and above all, do not gather in large groups.  Large groups present a target of opportunity to the enemy.

When offered personal armor (the vaccine) take it.  There are 330 Million people in the US, and likely most of them want that armor.  Be patient, do not demand you get your armor before others that need it more; all that armor must be made and our industry is making it as fast as humanly possible.  Sometimes logistics suck.

Like all wars, this will end and pass into history.  But also like all wars, our life has and will be changed by it.  Humanity will prevail and we will go back to petty arguments of whose side God is on.  Till then, as the British put it, “Keep Calm and Carry On.”  This too will pass.

Now on to the details of the latest battle …


For links for appointments:
To request an appointment for Delaware Vaccination Events at DMVs & other places:  Note, there is a waiting list of 100,000!

Gov Carney's 26 Jan Town Hall Meeting:

Delaware's Vaccine Tracker: 

Best site on the Internet:

A complete Computer Science college course, all on YouTube:

The GameStop story: and who is "WallStreetBets?"

Sunday, January 24, 2021

COVID-19 Updates / iPhone Basics

News was included in Bob's Intro - RIP Ann Matt, important website to visit for news of COVID happenings in Delaware is <link>   Things are happening quickly and advice of what to do is changing daily.  As of 21 Jan, Delaware is now in Phase 1B for vaccine distribution, "Persons aged 65 and older, as well as those considered frontline essential workers including: police, fire, teachers, childcare providers, food processing workers, correctional officers, and postal service, public transit and grocery workers will begin to be vaccinated."  To register for a State-sponsored vaccine appoint, click <here>


 Carl Stewart's presentation was on iPhone Basics:

Family Memories Preservation

Jan 14, 2021 presentation from the Delaware Digital Video Factory (DDVF)

DDVF is located at  1709 Concord Pike, Wilmington, DE 19803, Tel: 302-TV-TAPES (888-2737), and website is


Bob's intro - RIP Drew Yeager, Adobe Flash is dead <link>, TurboTax sale <link>, Social Security Scams <link>, and a picture of my A2D lab in comparison to DDVF's.