Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Apple Users Group Meeting
Monday, July 30th @9:30AM

Our July meeting of the Apple Users Group is July 30th.  I will have multiple topics including an introduction to Apple’s Word Processing application “Pages".  I will also be talking about some iPhone/iPad apps that are appropriate for this time of year, and attempt to answer all the questions that were submitted this month.

Since Mountain Lion should be released between now and the July meeting, I’m sure I’ll have something to say about the newest Mac operating system and hopefully will have it running on my laptop for the presentation.

If you have a question or topic you would like to have included, please let me know.

I hope to see you there,

The iWork.com public beta will be discontinued July 31.   This means if you still wish to see any of my previous Apple User Group presentations, you must do it between now and July 31st.  After that date, they will no longer be available on line.   (They will still be available on the Senior Surfer Lab computers.)

Here are the links for the current on-line presentations in case you need them


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Uses for Audacity - Ted Wilks

Daily Fun Site: Animated Explanations

Ever want to know . . . well, just about anything? Explania.com provides animated answers to hundreds of questions in dozens of categories, including sports, technology, money, and others.  {Click Here}

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Simple Questions!

Looking for today's Simple Answers to questions submitted last week?  They ain't here!  You should have come as we talked about a bunch of things:
Plus you missed a bunch of cute and funny pictures.  (Hey, we work hard on these things.)