Sunday, April 24, 2016

Android Apps & Some Good Questions

Topics of the day:
  • Uninstall Quicktime now
  • A phone is a Computer ... you have control over your 'apps'
  • Recommended Book:  Windows 10 All-in-One for Dummies, Woody Leonhard
  • They say my computer's been 'hacked', what do I do?  Who is 'they?
  • What security software do you recommend?  I like Leo's answer below.
  • How to remove information from the Internet?  Short answer: You don't!
Ask Leo: 

And another sorry to Elaine, I still can't get screen mirroring to work right.  :-(

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Infections/Disease control

Michelle Power MT (ASCP), CIC presented Infection Prevention Basics:

Useful Links:

New CDC Get Smart factsheets:

Friday, April 1, 2016

PSE and a couple of Good Q's

(That's Photoshop Elements - Paul showed us a number of easy things to do.)

And the Good Questions:
  • Apple vs. the FBI - it's over.  (but issues are still TBD!)
  • What's a SSD? (solid state drive)  We'll use this on our new 'Envy' desktop
  • Don't get 'upgraded' to Windows 10 unless you want to.
  • Yes, Verizon bought AOL and is moving Verizon users to AOL email.  But not in Delaware.
  • Lab Software:  Windows Live Movie Maker.  (Yes, it runs under Windows 10)